Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cold Week

Hi Everyone
Its been a very wet and cold week in our region so I have spent most of it looking after the lounge room fire,Monday I went to the chiropractors with my neck out and back to him today (Wednesday) he said my neck was put out of place when the transferred from the operating table to the bed and while I was in Ararat it was a good chance to get the ford dealer to do a small repair to my power steering that had a leak hell they know how to charge might have to go back to work early no I don't think the Doctor would be to happy with that as I still have Chemo to start yet on the 12 July.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Surprise Visit

Hello today (sunday) we had a surprise visit from Amanda and Mat and there Staffy Peri it was nice to see them and they brought up lunch with them.Peri had a great time exploring and eating the grass outside then Glenda and Amanda took Peri down to see the animals the only animal she did not like was the Alpacka.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Overnight in Hospital

Hi Folks
I have just spent Tuesday night in hospital to find out why my wound would not heal so as you will see in the photo there was a stitch left in when I was transferred from Horsham hospital to Stawell so now I am hoping that all will go well from now on

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well another trailer load of firewood so the time was spent by the both of us cutting and stacking this wood and as it was a very cold day it kept us very warm.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cold Day

Not much happened today as it was so cold here I did a little bit of painting and we had a trip into Ararat but most of the day was looking after the wood heater and keeping it topped up when I looked at the weather forecast at 4 pm it was 4 deg and another frost on the way.


What a great day so we got a lot done today first I stained around the new window sills when I was in hospital the new windows were fitted and this is the first chance I had to do them.
Glenda was on the Ride on mower and also using the hand mower to cut the grass although it was wet it still cut very well then she found time to talk to the people who have a holiday house next door as it was a perfect day but tomorrow (Tuesday) it is expected to be minus 2 in the morning with another nice day after the frost.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Pile


I have placed on the blog our small firewood pile and the splitter that Glenda has mastered we have cut up a lot of wood but still have to get more loads to get through winter so we will pick up another load next week before I have to go back into hospital the following week to get a stitch out that is causing my wound not to heal.

A Couple of great Days

Yesterday we had a visit from Danielle and Paul and little Emily who was just a joy to have fun with unfortunately Chelsea was at school and then went to a sleepover.
Emily went down with her Nana and with a bag full of carrots fed the animals she was so excited and when it was time to head home to Port Fairy she did not want to go.
The today Saturday Amanda and Matt came up for lunch and Glenda prepared a nice Roast but as it was very cold we spent most of the time in by the fire but they did not bring Peri there Staffy as we had a mice problem awhile ago and had a lot of baits so they left her home but now the mice have gone the next time they can bring her to enjoy country life life but I think she would have stayed inside to as it was so cold.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Few Days Away

Hello on the weekend we went down to Rosebud to Glenda's sisters house it was a good chance to have my first break since my operation and also to see how I could handle a long drive and I did.It was good to be able to go to the indoor shopping centre down there and just browse for awhile.
Then today (Tuesday( we went to Great Western twice to get two trailer loads of split wood and when we got home we split a few of the bigger ones with our hydraulic splitter so it will fit into the heater this filled in our day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wood Cutting Today

HI today (WEDNESDAY) was such a nice day we went down the back and I supervised Glenda while she split some of the firewood but it was not to hard for her a we have a 40 Ton splitter but it still takes a bit as you have to do a lot of handling of the wood so it was a very productive day and plenty of split wood for the heater.